Change. This has been quite the frequent theme around lately. I don’t really know why—whether it’s coincidence or the algorithm—but I’ll take it.
When I think of change, I always think of a really sweet friend who, to put it simply, doesn’t enjoy it that much. She has said to me something along the lines of, “Why a m I so silly? I know there’s better beyond this, but… (insert realistic and back-and-forth pondering here)”.
First, I can’t dismiss any of her reasoning; she’s pretty sensible—and a fellow overthinker. Second, in her defense, what we fear most isn’t really about the good that can come from changing or the pros and cons of it—although we could argue about some “cognitive laziness” because making decisions takes up energy our brains do not want to spend—but rather from the fact that, even unconsciously, we know that to change, we must leave everything old behind.
It’s not only about heading into the unknown and facing things you have not yet experienced—this can be scary in itself—but also about how you view things, how you operate and show up, routines, environment, who you relate to, and so on.
Let’s think about a new job.
When you think about changing jobs, it’s usually for bettering something your current job lacks—a job that offers growth opportunities, better pay, a better environment, or more alignment or fulfillment from a motivation standpoint.
It all starts from being uncomfortable where you are. Then, there’s pondering if it’s the right thing to do and the right timing. Surprise, surprise, there’s never the right timing. Better, but never perfect. Okay, but after that stage, all good, right?
Uh… not so much. It’s all good until you think about reviewing and updating your resumé, hunting for job openings, applying, interviews, paperwork, adapting to new coworkers, corporate culture, new processes, new environment, new targets, commute, routine. Phew… I guess that’s why they say, “Just do it.”! Jokes aside, when I list it, it seems like a lot, but in reality, we adapt as we go.
Some people are more conscious about driving changes in their life, meaning they are actively doing so. Other people are more reactive or simply ride the waves of the circumstances they find themselves in. Both can happen; you may have moments in life when you lean towards one or the other.
Why all of that? When you are in a more reactive position, usually change is something that happens to you. When it’s active, it happens for you. And if you are looking for a change, I would guess it’s not waiting for it to fall on your lap. You are willing to take the driver’s seat of your life.
Imagine… a company. Nowadays, everyone is making decisions. It has to be fast and as accurate as possible. But… how? It has an objective that everyone knows and follows.
The same thing applies to us. It is really difficult to predict everything. It might drive you crazy or deeply demotivate you because nothing is turning out how you planned.
Hey, I’m not saying jump off a cliff without a parachute. But, look inside. What’s your objective? What do you want to achieve? From there, your decision-making will be better tuned. It will flow—probably not according to plan—but in the right direction. And if it doesn’t, remember that nothing is set in stone. Go back, do it again.
To wrap it up, advice. To move on, to initiate change.
My advice is actually an invitation: to trust. You can take all of them, none, or one—your choice.
The first type of trust is in case you are religious or spiritual. Trust that God, Spirit, the Universe has your back, is guiding you, or has something in store that is better for you.
The second one is more of a… coachy type of trust. It is the belief that your input has an output. Therefore, the effort you put into the grind has its rewards.
And last but not least, and my favorite one: trust in yourself.
I know you’re scoffing there. Someone snorted.
Hey, I’m being plain honest here. Trust in yourself.
This one works for everyone, and here’s why: because you haven’t come this far unscratched. To come to this point, now, you have been through life. You have been through scary and unknown situations, and you have successfully dealt with them.
And no, don’t come at me saying you could’ve done better. It’s easy to judge your past self with your present mindset and resources. I’m sure you’ve done well with what you had.
And I’ll say it again:
Set your objectives and make your decisions from there.
We adapt as we go.
You can redirect whenever you need to.
Trust in yourself: you can do it, you have done it already, and you can do it again.
So… where are you aiming at?